Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't Let Limiting Beliefs Rule Your Life!

What if I told you I could help you improve your golf game, or get better grades, or maybe even improve your love life! There is a healing modality called PSYCH-K that can do all that and more. It’s simple, fast, and permanent. Change can be made in as little as one session. PSYCH-K works with both the conscious and subconscious mind to change old unsupportive beliefs into new positive, supportive beliefs. PSYCH-K stands for Psychological Kinesiology and offers different change techniques, called Balances, for reprogramming your subconscious mind to achieve your consciously desired goals and aspirations.

I will share with you the example of my then 14 year old son Nathan who was trying out for his Jr. High School basketball team. Nathan was and still is a tall, coordinated player; however, he lacked confidence in his shooting abilities. Every time he went up to shoot all of the parents, coaches and even Nathan himself would say a little prayer, however, everyone in the gym knew the ball was not going in the basket. So I took Nathan aside and asked him if he’d like to work on his mental block surrounding scoring shots. Nathan being 14 reluctantly agreed and we balanced a series of statements so that Nathan truly believed, in both his conscious and subconscious mind that the ball was going to go through the hoop and put 2 points on the scoreboard.

Later that day there was a game and Nathan was a totally different player on the court. Even the other parents commented on his improvement. Nathan continued to improve throughout the year to the point where he moved up to first string. Now don’t get me wrong Nathan’s not headed for the NBA anytime soon but just this change in mindset really made all the difference in the world. Nathan is now having more fun and is able to contribute to the success of his team. This year he played for Bishop Grandin High School and they brought home the City Championship for the junior boys basketball team and he received MVP for one of his out of town tournaments. He continues to improve even today as a result of that one session.

These very same techniques can be used to improve your health as well. PSYCH-K is very effective as it relates to the mind-body connection. In order to truly heal your body you must first believe that you can be healed of whatever ailment or disease you have. So many people just give up and accept a grim diagnosis by a doctor when the truth is, you do not have to resign yourself and accept their reality. The fact is disease is brought on by your perception and your beliefs. There is a brilliant cellular biologist by the name of Bruce Lipton who has confirmed this scientifically. His website is full of videos that you can watch and learn more on this subject. You can find this information at

I encourage you to educate yourself and seek out alternative healing methods such as PSYCH-K in order to take control of your life. The state of your health should not be determined by another individual’s dogmatic beliefs. The responsibility for your health and wellbeing lies squarely on your shoulders. Do something about it today. Use these alternative healing practices to enhance what is already available to you through western medicine. If you have made it to the end of this article then this tells me you are serious about change in your life. Visit for more information on PSYCH-K and other healing modalities.

“You’ll see it when you believe it.” Quote by Wayne Dyer

I wish you good luck and good health on your journey.
Jane Berthiaume

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